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Hello everyone, I’m back. Today we will find answer for the exercise ” The movement patterns of animals are believed to be affected by their physiological states” Let’s follow along our article!
Question: The movement patterns of animals are believed to be affected by their physiological States
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The new approach, called ICARUS (International Cooperation on the Use of Animal Research Spaces), can also track animals over much larger areas than other technologies can. In addition, ICARUS also reduced the size and reduced the starting cost of the transmitters worn for animals.
These changes will allow researchers to track entire flocks of migratory birds over long distances instead of just one or two birds at once, as well as to track smaller creatures, including insects. coincide. And while climate change and habitat destruction are polluting the planet, ICARUS helps biologists and wildlife managers quickly respond to changes in where animals live and as they move. reside.
ICARUS combines existing technology, including solar structures and GPS, with new communications technology developed for this mission, and specifically designed to track small animals.
Once attached to animals, the sensors will follow a variety of animals and insects such as grasshoppers, songbirds and baby turtles. Most current wildlife tracking technologies cannot be attached to creatures under 100 grams. While the new sensors are smaller and lighter, the advanced design allows them to collect more data by monitoring the animals’ physiology, including skin temperature and body position and conditions. outside as weather data.
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