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So your flight was canceled after you already got to the airport. It’s definitely an inconvenient situation but it’s not totally the end of the world. If your flight has been canceled, chances are that you won’t be the first one at the counter to rebook. So, a quick tip — in order to avoid missing the next flight (and the one after that), use your phone to call the airport’s customer service line. They’ll be able to rebook your flight from their end, and you can avoid the line entirely.
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Tips About Turbulence
Turbulence can cause a lot of stress and anxiety for those of you who are nervous flyers. If you want to avoid feeling those irregular motions as much as you can, pick seats over the wings. Turbulence is felt most in the back of the plane, and the least over the wings of it. If you don’t mind turbulence so much, then choose a seat towards the front of the plane, as the air is fresher and cooler in that area. On the other hand, the air is warmer towards the back of the plane.
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Morning Flights Have Less Turbulence
Another quick tip about turbulence to keep in mind is that if you get motion sickness easily, it’s a better idea to travel in the morning if you have the option to do so. Our earth heats throughout the day and the hot air rises, which causes storms and winds to occur. Though storms can come and go as they please, they are more likely to happen in the afternoon. In other words, choose a morning flight so you can reduce your chances of flying with turbulence. After all, no one really likes a bumpy flight.
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Avoid Ordering Ice
I think most people can agree that there’s nothing better than an ice-cold glass of water, well, unless you’re on a plane. We’re here to tell you that if you plan on asking for a glass of water during your flight, do yourself a favor and ditch the ice. Not only does it take up space in your cup, giving you less to drink, but the ice cubes themselves usually come from the water tank. The water tank is often not clean and might just be the culprit for making you sick.
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Skip Carbonated Drinks
If you’re going on an especially long flight, it’s best to avoid carbonated refreshments. Why? Sodas and other carbonated drinks can add to the amount of air you swallow. When that air reaches your digestive tract, it needs a way to pass through, causing you to burp or pass gas frequently. Furthermore, the air can potentially expand your intestines as the pilot changes altitudes, causing you discomfort and gas. Swap soda for some juice or water, but remember — NO ICE!
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Charging Your Phone
Charging stations at airports are usually a given nowadays but if you find yourself in a situation without one, have no fear! We’re obviously not saying to break any laws but where there’s a will, there’s a way. Airports are usually full of televisions, so if you’re unable to find a station to juice up your celly, you may be able to find an accessible TV with a USB port. Plug your phone into that and charge it right up so you’re ready to go for that flight!
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Save Space
Packing can be a pain in the butt, but with some proper technique, you’ll be able to save plenty of space in your suitcase! The trick is to lay out anything bulky, like a sweatshirt, at the bottom of the suitcase before you start packing everything else. Fold anything that has the potential to wrinkle inside your bag (i.e. button-down shirts, formal wear). In order to fit more than just that, though, try the ‘rolling’ technique for the rest of your clothes (i.e. t-shirts, pants, pajamas).
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Choose Your Seat Wisely
This one is kind of a gamble, but it doesn’t hurt to try it out. If you’re traveling as a couple or with a significant other, book a window and an aisle seat. If the plane happens to be under-booked, it’s unlikely that someone is going to pick a seat between two strangers, so there’s a slight chance that you’ll get three seats for the two of you. If the flight is full, you can always ask that person to switch with you. After all, most people would prefer not to sit in the middle.
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Middle Seat
No one really likes getting stuck in the middle seat on a flight, especially if you’re in the middle of two strangers. If you happen to end up with a middle seat assignment, here’s a simple hack for you! Head to ExpertFlyer.com to set up a seat alert. If someone happens to change their seat or cancel their ticket, the website will send you a message so you’ll be able to swoop on in and take the new seating assignment.
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Wear Layers
Layers are a great idea while you’re traveling. After all, you never know how warm or cold the plane will be. If you get a little too hot, you can always use those extra layers as a pillow, headrest, or cushion to protect against back and neck stiffness — we all know how that feels after sitting on a plane for a long time. Another pro is that the more you layer on yourself, the less you’ll have to pack in that suitcase of yours!
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Keep the Air On
Honestly, just keep the air on with the vent open. While it may get a bit chilly, the vent above your seat may actually help you avoid contact with germs that can get you sick. The air from the vent basically creates an invisible air barrier around you, which stops viruses from lingering around you. The air can also help to keep your skin from getting too dry. If you get too cold, you can always throw on a sweater from the many layers you had on earlier…
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Don’t Sleep Until After Takeoff
It’s important to remember not to sleep as the plane is ascending and descending; going up and coming down. Your inner ears aren’t able to regulate air pressure with rapid ups and downs. In order to help regulate this pressure and avoid temporary hearing loss, it’s helpful to do a precautionary routine — you can chew gum, bring some antihistamines with you, or use special plugs. Earplane plugs are pressure filtering earplugs that relieve ear discomfort, clogging, and popping during flights.
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Block Out the Noise
Nothing is worse than being on a flight with loud passengers. Whether it’s because of a crying baby, someone coughing, or a group of rowdy friends, there’s no need to suffer through these noises the whole flight. Instead, try getting yourself a pair of silicone earplugs to keep your cool— even better, opt for reusable ones in order to cut down on waste. You can also try out some noise-canceling headphones so you can listen to some tunes and ease your mind at the same time!
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Pack Disinfectant Wipes
Coming down with a bug while traveling isn’t really a surprise. Reduce your chances of getting sick by bringing disinfectant wipes with you. Not only do you run the risk of becoming sick on a flight from directly inhaling particles in the air from someone’s coughing or sneezing, but you can also get sick just by touching something. Flight attendants don’t usually clean tray tables and/or handles so you’ve got to prepare yourself. Use the wipes to wipe down the surfaces near you, like the tray table and the armrest.
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Dress Comfy
Dressing comfy for a flight should be a given. Planes can be pretty cramped and uncomfortable, especially when it’s a full flight. With that in mind, it’s important to make yourself feel as comfortable as possible while you’re traveling. Wear breathable, stretchy clothes (i.e. cotton, silk, linen) in order to maintain in-flight comfort and cleanliness. Fabrics that don’t really allow air to circulate will hold in sweat, likely making you feel dirty and smelly — two things you definitely don’t want to feel during a flight. In essence, opt for comfort!
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Pack Extra Socks/Underwear
Speaking of comfort, you’ll also want to pack some extra pairs of socks and underwear in your carry-on, especially if you’re traveling for a long time. If you’re on an overnight flight, there’s really nothing better than changing into some fresh clothes after you wake up. It’s also good to keep in mind that you may want to pack yourself some slippers to let your feet breathe, as they can swell on a flight due to a long period of time without activity.
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Pack a Travel Kit
Similar to the ‘pack yourself some extra undies and socks’ tip, make sure to pack yourself a travel kit in your carry-on as well. It may not seem like much but packing a travel-sized toothbrush/toothpaste/deodorant and some face wipes can make a world of difference. After eating and sleeping for hours on a flight, there’s no better feeling than freshening yourself up, even if you are using an airplane bathroom. We guarantee that you’ll feel much more refreshed, even after such a long flight.
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Beware of the Blankets
Okay, this one is for all the germaphobes out there. Just avoid the airplane blankets that they give you at the start of the flight. Unless it’s coming out of a sealed plastic bag, chances are the blanket has already been used and worse — it probably hasn’t even been washed. As another way to avoid germs and reduce the risk of getting sick, just bring your own blanket along. You can also just wear warmer clothes, or again, layer up!
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Let Security Be the Least of Your Worries
We know that just getting to the airport and going through security can be stressful enough, but in all honesty, security should be the least of your worries. TSA actually offers an application (‘MyTSA’) that tells you how long lines are at specific airports — isn’t technology just beautiful? After all, there’s really nothing more nerve-wracking than cutting it close to your flight, and then realizing that you’re going to spend the next 45 minutes waiting to get patted down.
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Bring an Empty Travel Mug
We all know that liquids aren’t permitted through security, but you can bring an empty mug with you. Rather than spending money at an overpriced café — because it’s the airport, after all — just bring an empty travel mug with some tea bags. Your flight attendant will be able to fill it with hot water during your flight. If you’re more of a coffee lover, don’t fret! You can always put your coffee grounds in a tea infuser.
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It’s given in a life that hydration is important, but especially when it comes to this. Not only should you drink plenty of water on the days leading up to your flight, but also throughout the flight, especially during a long international one. While you may be going back and forth to the bathroom more often than you’d like, your body and skin will thank you for it in the end. According to Dr. Oz, passengers should drink eight ounces of water for every hour they’re on a flight.
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Prepare Entertainment
This one is pretty self-explanatory but prepare some entertainment for yourself! Sitting on a long flight can get really boring really quickly. Whether you spend your time listening to music or reading a book, you’ll definitely want to make sure to keep yourself busy on the off-chance that you can’t fall asleep. There also might be the possibility that the plane doesn’t have WiFi — first world problems — so before you leave for your trip, consider pre-loading some of your favorite movies or TV shows onto your laptop/device.
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Pack Yourself Snacks
Honestly, who doesn’t love to eat? It’s always a good idea to pack yourself some of your favorite snacks or foods from home. That way, you won’t have to spend a ridiculous amount of money at the airport, and you’ll have something to munch on just in case the airplane food sucks. We know how important it is to save space especially since you’re traveling, so try to pack your yummy snacks in space-saving plastic bags rather than space-consuming containers.
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Frozen Liquids Are Permitted
This first tip is for those of you that plan on traveling far. If you didn’t know this, you’re actually allowed to bring a bottle of frozen water, tea, or coffee through security. Keep in mind that they can’t be half-melted, though, the liquids have to be frozen solid while you’re going through security. And make sure that your flight is long enough for your beverage to defrost, otherwise, there’s really no point in bringing it along!
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Take Time to Stretch
As we stated before, your feet can swell while you’re on a long flight. While leg and foot swelling is common during air travel, you can try to avoid it a bit more by taking time to stretch throughout the flight. Nancy Schretter, managing editor of the Family Travel Network, says to “get up to stretch and walk around when you can. This helps to eliminate tight muscles and circulation problems. Do in-seat stretches during your flight as well.”
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Cheaper Flights
This genius hack will help you avoid unnecessary pricey flights, turn on ‘Private Browsing’ for cheaper flights when searching online. Airline websites and travel booking sites can keep track of your searches by installing cookies on your web browser, which can cause the prices you’re shown to rise simply because you’ve searched for those flights in the past. This is a scheme used to make you buy your flights sooner because you start to think that prices are going up, which encourages impulse buying. Avoid it by switching to ‘Private Browsing’ whenever you search for flights.
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Portable Phone Charger
This hack might seem a little simplistic and obvious, but it’s very useful and can come in handy when you are in a desperate situation, and most need it. Essentially, a portable phone charger acts as an external battery you can use to charge separately utilizing a USB connector or even replenish it with a store-bought battery. It’s worth having one of these in your bag in case an emergency arises while your phone is out of battery.
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Fragile Baggage
You might be traveling with precious goods that need special handling, or maybe not, but either way, your luggage can get jostled about, causing some damage to your bag and sometimes even the contents. If you mark your baggage as fragile, not only is your bag more likely to be handled correctly, but it’ll also find itself at the top of the pile in the storage compartment of the plane. The result? Why, you’ll get your bag back first, of course.
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Jog Away Jet Lag
Jet lag is one of the worst things that come with traveling, and it can take a few days or even more than a week to adjust! One way to get the better of it is to jog outside in the sun, first thing in the morning. Not only will the sunlight signal to your internal clock that it’s the start of the day but you will feel refreshed and energized enough to start the day.
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Have you ever had the misfortune of rolling your high-quality duffel bag on wheels in the rain, and water seeped in through the seams? One way to protect the clothes, toiletries, and other contents in your luggage is to waterproof your bag with a bin liner. This hack is pretty self-explanatory. All you have to do is line your suitcase with a bin bag, and it will instantly waterproof your baggage for all conditions. This will ensure that any outside liquid won’t leak into your bag, which sometimes happens when traveling.
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We can’t rely on airlines to keep their planes spotless, so one way to ensure our flight will be a clean one is to bring along our wet wipes. Yes, you can take wet wipes on the airplane in your hand luggage, as it does not fall under the liquid restrictions of airline security. Wipe down the seating area, including the armrests, tray, and anything at your seat during the flight. When you get right down to it, if you want something done right, you’ve got to do it yourself!
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Google Maps
While navigating through an airport in a new city, we might feel in a rush to make it to our hotel, so we can’t always stick by a WiFi connection. This means we’re going to find it impossible to access live Google Maps for that easy-peasy navigation guidance when we most need it. At least the latest versions of Google Maps now allows us to save map areas directly to our phone and bring them up later to explore.
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Fragrance Bottle
Traveling with your expensive perfume, cologne, or aftershave can prove to be challenging, sometimes the bottle might break and leak all over your bag. But if you transfer your perfume or aftershave to a smaller bottle, you can save space and avoid the mess of a broken bottle while you travel. Think of something the size of a small container. But make sure you clean them out thoroughly first. You don’t want the original contents interfering with your aroma.
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TV Phone Charger
One of the things we forget most often when traveling is the little USB adapter that comes with our phone charger. We usually plug our cable into the laptop to charge, BUT if you don’t often pack a computer, know that most TVs have a USB port around the back and you can easily use that to charge all your electronics. This will come in handy when you’re waiting in a hotel and need to charge your phone.
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Security Line
When you’re about to enter the security line, make sure to turn left. Most people prefer to turn towards their dominant hand, and right-handedness is by far the most common type. Studies suggest that approximately 90% of the world population is right-handed. So if you come to a fork in the security line, go to the left — more people will instinctively go in the other direction, and this means your queue will automatically be much shorter and quicker to get through.
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40+ Clever Holiday Hacks That Will Make This Festive Time of Year Unforgettable
Lamps of Many Sizes
The Christmas tree is the main attraction of the big day. You may argue that it’s the amazing smell of food wafting through the air on the morning of Christmas, or the part where you get to exchange gifts, but the tree will be the first thing that you’ll look at for the entire time.
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There are many unique decorations to bedazzle your precious tree, and then there are the handy tricks! Hang two sets of fairy lights that have different sized lamps to highlight all bits of the tree.
Instant Gift Wrapping
There’s no shame in admitting that many of us have completely forgotten about Christmas shopping at times. It’s understandable; amidst the planning, we wouldn’t blame you if you forgot to buy presents for your loved ones.
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However, wrapping gifts in a time constraint is anything but a simple task, especially for an amateur. If you don’t have fancy wrapping paper to hide your trash wrapping skills, try this. Wrap up your gift in regular paper, cut out half of a Christmas tree shape on it, and bend it outwards.
Making Decorative Snowflakes
Making snowflakes out of paper is one of the most classic decorations out there. Not only do they fit the theme perfectly, but they’re also super easy to make. How about you spice things up a bit this time and try making decorative snowflakes out of glue?
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You can get creative with the shape and details, and also color it however you want. Plus, if there are kids, they’re sure to love it. Stimulate kids’ imagination with this fun idea for a DIY.
Using Leftover Wrapping Paper
Ah, the one with all the leftover wrapping paper. It can be easy to get carried away while buying wrapping paper when you’re not exactly sure how much you’ll need. This is why most people have an excess of wrapping paper after they’re done packing their presents.
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No reason why one can’t get creative and do something fancy with them! These wrapping paper cone trees make excellent abstract pieces for anywhere around the way. Learn how to make them in some simple steps here.
The Right Way
Many people completely refrain from sticking decoration on their walls due to the fear of either ripping out their expensive wallpaper, or having paint bits fall off when it’s literally ripped off.
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After years of struggling with whether or not to sacrifice the decor, we’ve found this ingenious hack to get the best out of this situation. Before attaching paper decoration to the walls, stick on a piece of sticky tape and apply some glue on it. Now, the decor won’t cause any significant damage to your wallpaper.
Concealing the Base
Not everyone wants a legit Christmas tree for their decor. It might be because they’re much more concerned about the environment, or because they want tree bits all over their living room. Regardless, you can always go for an artificial tree that looks equally good.
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The only issue might be the thin supporting stick going down the middle that is somewhat distracting. Conceal the base by putting your tree inside a fancy cardboard box. +Two for decoration, +Five for creativity.
Dinner Sets in Festive Mood
Don’t have any “Christmas” worthy crockery? Well sure you do; you just haven’t looked in the right place. The spirit of Christmas lies in adding sparkle to everything, so why not do that to the old, forgotten glasses that have been sitting in your cabinet forever?
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With some basic craft skills and the help of a few special markers, you can give them the holiday bling everyone loves! Use a Sharpie to decorate your glasses to brighten them up for the dinner table.
The Skirt
We’re pretty used to seeing tree skirts under our Christmas trees as they’re both cozy and pretty practical (they leave your floor clean and clear of Christmas decorations and needles). But, there’s no need to buy a special one when you might have something perfect already at home.
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Just look in your closet! A nice circle skirt can be used as a perfect cover under your tree (it even has a hole in the middle for the base). You might want to put an extra blanket underneath to make it more fluffy. But, if it’s purely for aesthetics, there’s no need to add anything.
Fairy Lights Turbulence
The entire purpose of hanging up fairy lights is to get all eyes on the dimming lights that light up the night, but everything goes to waste when that darn green power cable is running everywhere to reach the electrical socket.
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Avoid driving unwanted attention to this by hiding it behind the Christmas tree. If that’s not possible, pull out a can of gold spray paint and make the cable a part of the decor. No one will be able to tell!
Salt Dough Ornaments
No need to spend a ton of money to buy craft materials when you can decorate your Christmas tree just as nicely with things you’ve made with your own hands. This is another DIY that’s super kid-friendly and has satisfying results.
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Try making decor from salt dough. This particular texture is quite similar to clay and you’ll find that they’re incredibly easy to work with. Here’s a recipe on how to make white salt dough for your convenience.
Environment Friendly Bows
Christmas decoration doesn’t have to burn a hole in your pocket and we’re here to reinstate that! If you don’t have the budget to go for fancy wreaths and bows at the supermarket, make one! It’s easy, cheap, and can be transitioned from one season to another by changing the details.
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We found this excellent DIY hack of making a bow using jute strips. This decor gives your home the warmth and rustic feeling you would find in the cute homes situated along the prairie.
Reflect, Shine, and Shimmer
Speaking of creative things that really take your Christmas tree decorations to the next level, add a bunch of reflective elements to the tree. This will create the illusion of a brighter tree and the fairy lights will only look better.
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If you want a tree that blinds everyone who walks into the house (definitely not literally), this is a hack to consider. Experiment with mirrors of different shapes to find something that looks the best.
Mini Christmas Tree
Christmas trees can be fun, glamorous, and downright over the top depending on personal preference. However, no matter how you dress up a tiny Christmas tree, it will never stop being adorable. Are you someone that’s extra excited about Christmas and wants to flaunt their holiday spirit?
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A large tree isn’t enough; get a mini one for your desk. Simply break off a few branches from a fig tree and neatly place them on a vase. There you have it – your very own miniature Christmas tree to deck up.
Hang the Wreath
Wreaths are the quintessential Christmas element. Ranging from fresh ones made from finely trimmed bushes and leaves to reusable plastic ones, every home hangs one up on their door before the big day.
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However, hanging up wreaths can be rather annoying if there’s no built-in hook on your door. Surely it can’t be expected that you drill a screw in your door for this purpose. Get a command hook and stick it upside-down on the door’s back to hang a wreath perfectly every time.
Clever Candle Trick
Candles are great to give the house a rustic and warm feel, but a good one isn’t the cheapest. There’s always the problem that the candle melts unevenly and soon you’re left with something that can’t sit straight anywhere.
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Here’s a hack to solve that. Place your candle in a hurricane vase and put a can under it. This way, the filler is used less and the candle will sit straight properly.
Saving More Filler
Fillers are a great way to make your crystal and glass jars look decorative and fancy. On days where there aren’t enough fillers and you need to fill up that apothecary jar, a clever hack is there to save the day!
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Place the fillers and fill the jar halfway in. Put an empty tissue paper roll right in the middle and fill the rest of the apothecary jar as is. It won’t even feel like the jar doesn’t have that many sparkly decorations.
Holiday Screen Prints
Pictures to decorate the house? Big yes! Is there any picture that you wish would deck the walls of your house in this festive season? Doesn’t it really elevate the mood?
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Instead of spending extra pounds on buying an actual framed photo, go for the cheap and convenient alternative – print out your favorite holiday image and hang it down from a dowel. Try this with a bunch of small photos to collage into something amazing.
Revamping the Garlands
On that note of fluffing up faux trees, artificial garlands aren’t the best decorations on the planet but they get the job done. If you’re not satisfied with how thin and unimpressive your faux garlands look, try out this smart hack.
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Use yard clipping and floral wire to add volume to the garlands. Alternatively, you can look at the stores from which you get fresh trees and pick out some evergreens for the job.
Showing Off Cards
Holiday cards are positively adorable, and they make one heck of a cute and unique decoration. When there is a decent amount of holiday cards in storage, don’t just sit them out. Rather, give them a place to shine by hanging them up.
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Display your cards by attaching them to tied up ribbons around the house. Put them up somewhere where you’ll actually notice them. 100 percent guaranteed to put a smile on yours or anyone else’s face.
Affordable Tabletop Trees
There’s this perception that all nice Christmas decorations are somewhat expensive, and this annoys us. Something doesn’t have to be expensive to show off your holiday spirit; you could do that just as well with a unique DIY project that flaunts your artistic sense too.
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For a classy yet inexpensive alternative to pricey, fancy tabletop trees, use your card stocks to make a cone and bedazzle it with bead garlands glued onto the body. Try this with your kids, if you have any, and awaken their creative nerves.
Clean-Up Made Easy
Many people find cleaning up therapeutic; all the organizing and sorting can be rather pleasing. However, the majority of us don’t, and we’d do possibly anything to avoid it. How frustrating it is after you’ve laid down a huge meal, everyone’s enjoyed it, but now you’re left to clean everything – brush off crumbs, wipe the table, etc.
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Avoid this altogether by lining your table with brown kraft paper before setting the meals out. After everyone’s done, simply pick them up and discard the bits and chunks.
Ultimate Fall DIY Centrepiece
Pumpkins aren’t only for the fall; they’re perfect for winter and the festivities. While they’re the star of the show in the spooky event of the year, Halloween, they can be used as a great centerpiece when Christmas is around.
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During Halloween, we try to make it as ghoulish as possible, but this time, we try to make it elegant. Hollow out the insides of a pumpkin and place a vase in there; you’ve got the perfect fall-inspired mantle decor/centerpiece.
Customizable Illusion Vases
Sometimes, you have to think outside of the box to come up with something that blows everyone’s minds. Kind of like an illusion; which gives us the idea of an illusion vase. Find two vases that have different sizes but are of identical shape and layer them.
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Place flowers in the smaller one and fill the larger one with mini dreidels or gelt. Your guests will look multiple times before even beginning to understand what you’ve done.
Adding Sparkle to Curtains
Curtains are such an underrated part of the whole interior aesthetic that it should be a crime. When styled and picked properly, drapes can add big points to the looks of a house.
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You may have special drapes to hang up for the holiday season, or you may be going with your old ones, but there’s nothing wrong with adding fun elements to it. Reuse your old decorative bows or sparkly necklaces as curtain tie-backs. It can be simple and elegant, or it can be shiny enough to blind someone.
Tomato Cage to Topiaries
Repurposing is a big part of today’s “hack” guide because it’s convenient, costs no money, and is plain genius. Who would have thought you could turn tomato cages into artificial topiaries and actually make them look decent? Flip your tomato cage over and decorate it by wrapping small fairy lights around it.
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No one will know what you did, but it’s definitely aligning with the holiday spirit. Fairy lights of multiple colors can easily take something as simple as a tomato cage and turn it into a glorious shelf piece.
One With All the Candy
Perks if you got the Friends reference! What’s better than Christmas tree decorations? Edible Christmas tree decor, of course. For many of us, this remains a fond childhood memory and now you get to recreate that.
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However, since we’re looking at a bit craftier tips for today, here’s a modernized version of the candies where you have to melt hard candy and use cookie cutters to form festive shapes. Check out the detailed instructions here.
Making Cups Festive
Cups probably aren’t the most creative things on the planet, but they’re super practical. With that being said, when Christmas is knocking at the door, we are obsessed with making everything give off the ultimate holiday vibe.
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Give your cup an awesome festival makeover with this hack. Buy a nice pair of festive socks, cut them out to fit the cup, sew around the edges, and voila! You have a cup that’s as much Christmas ready as your tree.
Instant Removable Wallpaper
The holiday season has approached and the wallpaper/color in the room is doing nothing to add to the holiday vibe? We’ve all been there and gotten over the idea super quick. It’s not practical to change your room’s wallpaper into something super bright and fun just for a holiday, and putting up new wallpaper isn’t any better either.
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However, if there is a fabric that you like, make a mixture of water and corn-starch to turn it into a removable wallpaper instantly.
That’s a Unique Garland
There’s a wide variety of garlands available in the market to suit any holiday theme, but on a budget, they might not be the best option. Why not make your own garland out of ribbons? It’s possible and we approve of the looks.
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Cut out strips of ribbons in any color you want and tie them together onto a string of fairy lights. You now have a DIY garland that’s cute enough to be draped anywhere in the house.
Holding the Lights in Place
Outdoor lights are all sparkly and magical until you have to attach them to the wall. Tape just doesn’t cut it and the string will often get loose, causing it to move of its own free will.
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Using glue to tape the lights down when they’re being unruly is a smart hack indeed. Apply hot glue to the light side’s socket and stick it where needed. Hold it like that for a few seconds till the glue dries completely and you’re done!
Fake but Real
Faking enthusiasm for your faux Christmas tree for too long? Of course, you want it to look better and not some cheap plastic tree that you picked up at a local supermarket. Give your artificial Christmas tree the look of a real one by making it stand atop a real tree trunk.
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Check out your local tree service for a tree stump and carve a hole in the middle to fit the faux’s base. Easily incorporate the goodness of nature with your interior decor.
How to Hang Banners?
Just like wreaths, banners are an absolute annoyance to hang up. However, they’re quite festive and show purpose, so we’ll give them a pass. Banners are perfect for any occasion, not just the holidays.
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Available in many colors, patterns, designs, and writings; they’re an affordable way to spruce up the house. Hang them using the same way as wreaths – get mini commander hooks on your mirrors or the top of your door frame.
It’s a Snowy Miracle
Art supplies are so yesterday! Normal coffee filters can be transformed into delicate snowflakes decorations for your home. For this heart-warming holiday season, make yourself a cup of coffee and keep the filter paper. Flatten it out and fold a few of them.
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Bring out a pair of scissors and cut them into any snowflake pattern you like. Your innovative paper creations will come out symmetrical and perfectly round each time – but there will be no two alike!
Tie it Up
Red fabric captures the essence of the holiday season, and red bows are everything we love captured into one giant knot for this time. Deck the doors with this artful idea of DIY bows. We prefer a mixture of dark and light red organza, but you can pick out any festive fabric that you like.
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Cut-up bed sheets too! Wrap the fabric around the desired door and affix them in place with staples. Your guests will be pleasantly surprised with the stunningly bright decor.
Festival of Scents
Why should only a master chef’s home smell of the unforgettable aroma of the most delicious festive foods? You can do it too, and it’s super simple. Fill a pot with juicy oranges and lush cranberries – don’t forget the fragrant herbs and spices like nutmeg, cinnamon, and cloves.
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Have any other ingredients that you adore? Drop that right in. Let the combination simmer away on the stove, filling the sense with a spiced potpourri. Don’t blame us if everyone on the streets knocks to take a sniff!
Minty Fresh and Crunchy
A short and sweet twist on table settings; these adorable little candy-cane place holders are everything you need to make your dinner time the best (and most Instagram friendly). Candy canes are a necessity in this season, so most people stock up on them.
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Glue together two pieces of upside-down canes and place food labels or name cards inside the two front “hooks.” Your holiday dinner table will be like a photo out of Pinterest.
Very Own Personalized Wreath
The most impressive statement-piece wreaths are shockingly expensive, but this shouldn’t curb your holiday excitement by leaving your front door bland. No need to splurge on a wreath when you can DIY a nice one with two old/new ones.
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All you have to do is nestle a smaller wreath inside a bigger faux one, use a pretty, decorative ribbon to tie it, and hang as one unit. Will anyone ever be able to tell? Perhaps not.
Fluffy Christmas Tree
It’s safe to say that artificial Christmas trees don’t even come close to the original ones, unless they’re super expensive. However, since they’re feasible for a lot of homes, they’ve quickly gained popularity.
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One of the common complaints with these faux trees is how skinny and underwhelming they look. No fear! Layer two artificial, inexpensive wreaths and give your faux tree the desired volume and fluff. It’ll definitely look much more presentable.
Pine Cone Bug Repellent
Did you know that pine cones can be used to keep your home secure from all the pesky bugs? During the holiday season, with all the amazing aroma of food filling the air, it’s easy to attract a lot of unwanted guests.
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The best part is, you can simply hang them as decor to drive bugs away. Clean the pine cones and dry them. You can do this by cooking them in the oven at 200 degrees for half an hour. This also prevents excess moisture from entering the home.
Top of the Tree
A topper is what completes the Christmas tree. Thanks to a wide array of customized options available in the market, these toppers define the entirety of one’s Christmas decorations, so can’t skimp out on this step. Finding a tree topper that matches all your requirements isn’t easy.
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Too heavy and it burdens the branches; too tall and it hits the ceiling, and the design is one more concern. Make a personalized pipe cleaner topper that’s lightweight, simple, cheap, and fully unique!
Remembering Where Everything Went
The toughest part of any holiday is undoubtedly the post clean-up session. All the reusable decor needs to be taken out and stored in boxes for the next time.
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There’s this common phenomenon when you take something out of a box, use it, and by the time you want to put everything back, it seems like the box has shrunk! Don’t panic. Before taking the decorations out, simply snap a photo of the entire box and use it as a reference for when you need to put it all back.
Stair Slide for Penguins
When it comes to decorating for the holidays most people focus on the front entrance of their homes, living rooms, or whichever room they will be hosting guests in. One area of the home, however, is often neglected – the stairwell.
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As one of the most used parts of a home, the stairwell should be part of any holiday decoration plan. This person turned their stair’s handrail into a slide for a family of penguins and their friends. Using dolls, fake snow, and fairy lights, this person created a playful winter wonderland.
An Impressive Centerpiece
Everyone wants to have a perfectly Instagram-worthy house for the holidays, and a big component of that is having a beautiful centerpiece in the middle of your perfectly set table. Thankfully, it’s not actually that difficult to make.
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Find some fancy branches and spray-paint them in fun and festive colors — for Halloween go with black and orange (or more subdued autumnal colors), and for Christmas, you can go all out with red and gold to show off your holiday spirit.
Salt Dough Hands and Feet
Salt dough is one of the easiest and least expensive crafts to make. The non-toxic ingredients mean you don’t have to worry about your little ones getting hands-on with this dough.
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Once the dough has been prepared, gently press the child’s hand or foot into the dough to create an imprint. When finished, bake according to your salt dough recipe’s instructions. Once cool, add paint. These ornaments will help capture those precious moments long after your child has grown.
Hand Wreaths
Another way to celebrate the holidays with your family is by creating a wreath made of paper cutouts of hands. Using a pencil, trace the hands on green construction paper and then carefully cut them out.
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Cut out a ring-shaped piece of paper, which will be the base of the wreath. Layer and glue the cut out hands around the wreath base, making sure to cover it while keeping the circular shape. At this point, you can add additional decorations like sequins, other paper cutouts, or bows.
All Aboard the DIY Express
From elaborate model train sets to popular films like The Polar Express, many people associate trains with the holiday season. Now, thanks to this clever DIY hack, you can surprise your loved ones with a train full of presents.
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Start by painting several milk cartons in festive colors, then add additional train accessories like wheels and lights. Not only is this train a fun way to store gifts, but the boxes can be reused for future purposes.
Gingerbread House Party
Building a gingerbread house is one of the most memorable parts of the holiday season. This edible engineering activity can be a great way for families and friends to bond. One of the downsides to this activity, however, is that it can get messy.
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This holiday hack shows us that gingerbread house construction doesn’t have to turn into a sticky disaster if you organize your workstation properly. This person gave each builder their own section equipped with frosting “cement” and access to all of the candy decorating supplies.
From Pool to Table
Decorating costs during the holidays can quickly add up, making it hard to find space in your budget for centerpieces. This clever holiday decorating hack shows that pool noodles are not just for aquatic activities – they can help you create a beautiful centerpiece for very little money.
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Simply cut the pool length-wise so that the base is flat. Using wire, attach ornaments, fake flowers, lights, and other decorations until the noodle is completely covered. This decoration hack has gone viral because of how easy and inexpensive it is to make.
A Bright Idea
Recycling is always important, especially around the holiday season when so many things can be repurposed into holiday decorations. This interesting hack shows us that lightbulbs don’t have to be thrown out once they burn out.
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This person took a variety of differently shaped light bulbs and transformed them into adorable ornaments using paint and other crafting materials. These lightbulb ornaments can be made using simple or more elaborate designs. This flexibility ensures that people of all ages and artistic abilities will have fun making them.
DIY Snow Globe
For many people, snow globes carry a special significance. Whether a souvenir from a memorable trip or a gift from a loved one, seeing a snow globe on a mantel can fill you with a certain type of joy.
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Simply glue the desired item to the underside of a mason jar lid. Fill the mason jar with water, a drop of glycerin, and glitter. Once the glue has completely dried, carefully screw the lid with the glued item onto the jar. Seal tightly and enjoy!
Clever Ornament Storage Solutions
One of the most exciting parts about decorating for the holidays is choosing the ornaments to adorn your Christmas tree. Some holiday decorators choose to stick with a specific color scheme, while others reuse the ornaments that have sentimental value.
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Whichever ornaments you choose, one thing is true – storing these precious baubles can be difficult. Many ornaments are made out of thin glass, metal, or other fragile materials. This holiday hack allows you to safely store your ornaments so that they’ll be the highlight of the holidays for years to come.
Painted Windows
There’s nothing quite like looking outside of your window to see the season’s first snowflakes fall. While not everyone has the luxury of seeing this firsthand, painting your own snowflakes on your window can be the next best thing.
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This hack allows you to be reminded of the holiday season, every time you look outside of your window. Using acrylic paint, or other easily removable glass-safe paint, add messages or pictures to your window. Not confident in your artistic abilities? Holiday-themed stencils are readily available and easy to use.
The Cutest Cup of Cocoa
While flashy and expensive gifts are always popular, many would argue that some of the best gifts are actually homemade. This adorably easy gift will leave the recipient smiling while keeping them warm.
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Fill a triangular-shaped bag with basic ingredients for hot cocoa, making sure to layer the ingredients to resemble a reindeer. Tie the bag shut and add a brown pipe cleaner to serve as the bag’s “antlers”. Add googly eyes and a red pompom for the reindeer’s nose. We’re sure the recipient will think of your kindness with every sip of cocoa.
Rustic Touch
While many holiday decorations tend to include bold colors or lots of glitter, this holiday decoration offers a refreshing twist on traditional holiday decor. Using a piece of driftwood or a branch, add natural rope to hang neutral-colored ornaments.
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Ornaments made from natural materials like wood, glass, and cotton give this piece of decor a more rustic appeal. For an added touch, string thin fairy lights between the wood and ornaments. This nature-inspired decoration looks so beautiful that you may want to keep it up even after the holiday season.
Hot Cocoa Bar
Even if you’re spending the holiday season in a tropical location, nothing says “holiday season” like a cup of hot chocolate. This warm and chocolatey drink is the perfect way to welcome the winter season.
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This holiday season party hack will be a hit with guests as they customize their own cup of hot chocolate. Guests can choose from a variety of toppings, syrups, and flavors. The best part of this hack is that it can be customized according to your own preferences. Guests will love this interactive and customizable beverage bar.
Clever Card Tree
Exchanging greeting cards during the holiday season is a time-honored holiday tradition. One of the biggest challenges with receiving cards, however, is deciding where to store them. While some people place these sentimental notes in shoe boxes or drawers, this holiday decorator chose to incorporate them into their Christmas decorations.
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Show off your collection of holiday greeting cards by arranging them into the shape of a Christmas tree. Guests will love seeing their touching messages displayed in such a creative way.
Stemware Snow Globe
Elegant holiday decorations don’t have to be expensive. These DIY decorations can be created using simple stemware and ornaments, or other items. Simply fill the wine glass or other type of stemware with your desired decorations, and carefully flip it upside down on a base.
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The base of the stemware can be used to support a candle, giving the decoration a sophisticated look that is perfect for dinner parties. This holiday hack is also a great way to use mismatched or extra stemware you may have laying around the house.
Cleaning Wax Off the Menorah
Over the years, Menorahs may have lost popularity in certain homes during Hanukkah, but it still remains one of the most religiously significant bits of the festival. All the candles look incredibly nice standing on any shelf. Cleaning one is a whole different story.
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All the bits of melted and cooled wax dispersed around the body – quite annoying. Make your life easier by placing the menorah face down on a baking tray and putting it in the oven at a very low temperature. No scraping needed!
Vase Cookie Stamp
Cookies can be considered as an indispensable part of the holidays (if you ask us, it should be like that every day of the year!) Whether you’re gifting cookies to family and friends, or filling sheets of cookies for your daily cravings, make them a bit fancier to complete the overall vibe.
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Find a crystal vase with a neat design and use the base as a stamp for the cookie design. You’ll leave everyone wondering where you got it. Plus, it’s simply fun to do, so why not?
Secure the Gingerbread House!
It’s all fun and games until the gingerbread house starts collapsing and the kids start crying their heads off. Or maybe you’re crying because you’re an adult and still fail to assemble a proper gingerbread house. Kind of ruins the entire day, right?
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Prevent a massive collapse (and mess) by building the yummy house around a big goldfish box. The shape is great, and the rigid cardboard will make sure building the scrumptious house is a total breeze.
Hang from the Chandelier
Wreaths, wreaths, wreaths! We absolutely can’t get enough of them during the holiday season and we know you can’t either.
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If you’ve already hung some up on the front (and back) door and now wish to bring the sparkle inside, try hanging the ornaments from your dining room light attachments; or better yet, the chandelier! Use a ribbon to tie the ornaments in place at varying heights to make a distinct decor piece that will entertain you all season long.
Adorable Pumpkin Bowls
Pumpkins are such multipurpose veggies (read ornamental pieces) that we’re confused why they’re only Halloween essentials. They’re just as amazing for Christmas or Hanukkah decor and here’s a fun way to utilize them.
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Create bowls by carving out small pumpkins that can be held within the palms of your hand and use it to serve dip, soup, or maybe as an ice chest! These could also be a splendid addition to your Thanksgiving dinner next year, so make sure to try it out.
Get a Perfect Roof Line
Ever wondered how your neighbors managed to perfectly align their Christmas decorations on the roof without them falling away or flying off? Look no further. This one, though, might be difficult to create perfectly with stuff you have at home.
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Thankfully, you can just buy a roof ridge clip system which you can get at most online mass sellers like Amazon for a pretty reasonable price. They’re perfectly designed to hold your lights in place. Plus, if you’re careful, you can save them for next year, too!
Now that it’s officially the season of holidays and festivities, there are tons of things to plan beforehand. Christmas may be the most anticipated event of the year, and this means that everyone will want to make it extra special. You know what sucks the fun out of stuff? Being low on budget or struggling to perfect the decor. This is where we have to get a little crafty!