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When you try to complete your task, you get “[Symbol(code)]: ‘CLIENT_MISSING_INTENTS’ in nodejs“. This error is one of the most popular errors any programmer will make. So, why does it appear, and how can it be resolved? We’ll go over it with you.
Why Does The Error: [Symbol(code)]: ‘CLIENT_MISSING_INTENTS’ in nodejs Occur?
You are using discord.js, but you are having this problem. In your terminal, you are getting the following error.
TypeError [CLIENT_MISSING_INTENTS]: Valid intents must be provided for the Client
In another case, this is the error you get. You have node 14.17.5 installed.
TypeError [CLIENT_MISSING_INTENTS]: Valid intents must be provided for the Client.
at Client._validateOptions (C:\Users\jayrc\OneDrive\Documents\Coding\Discord\illuminate\node_modules\discord.js\src\client\Client.js:544:13)
at new Client (C:\Users\jayrc\OneDrive\Documents\Coding\Discord\illuminate\node_modules\discord.js\src\client\Client.js:73:10)
at file:///C:/Users/jayrc/OneDrive/Documents/Coding/Discord/illuminate/src/bot.js:3:13
at ModuleJob.run (internal/modules/esm/module_job.js:170:25)
at async Loader.import (internal/modules/esm/loader.js:178:24)
at async Object.loadESM (internal/process/esm_loader.js:68:5) {
The Effective Method For The Error: [Symbol(code)]: ‘CLIENT_MISSING_INTENTS’ in nodejs
Use the Intent
Intent is a framework of Python to specify and run Conversational Agents with an easy, code-first method. The Dialogflow ES connector and the Snips and Alexa experimental connectors are already supported by Intents. Its primary advantages are:
- Python projects are agents. You will be able to program with autocomplete, static type checking, and all of your other familiar tools.
- CI and versioning. Like software, agents can be programmatically deployed and versioned on Git.
- Friendly connectors for people. Predictions are their examples, and intentions are their classes. By using adding custom connectors, support can be expanded beyond Dialogflow.
Therefore, adding intent to your Discord.Client() is the best solution for you to solve the ”[Symbol(code)]: ‘CLIENT_MISSING_INTENTS’ in nodejs” error. You need to replace your client as specified below:
const client = new Discord.Client({ intents: [Enter intents here] })
For example, you could use intent as shown below.
const client = new Discord.Client({ intents: ["GUILD_MEMBERS", "GUILD_MEMBER_ADD"] })
Please remember that if you receive an UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: ReferenceError: AbortController is not defined at RequestHandler.
After completing Solution 1, use the code below to resolve UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: AbortController is not defined at RequestHandler, resulting in a ReferenceError. execute
To use Discord.js v13, you must have Node 16.6 or higher installed. Use node -v to determine your Node version.
You can use this code.
> npm install -g n
> n lts
> node -v
And if you do not want to install node.js v16 across your entire system, add it to your bot’s project. Run the command below.
npm install [email protected] --save-exact
We believe that the above method will be beneficial to all of you.
The solution mentioned above is the best option for those still confused with this error: “[Symbol(code)]: ‘CLIENT_MISSING_INTENTS’ in nodejs“. If you need our support or have other questions, we have a thriving community where everyone is always willing to help. Finally, we wish you a productive day filled with new solutions and code.
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