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Surely, every Internet user has at least once encountered a situation of not being able to access a certain website or load resources. The computer screen then displayed the words “500 Internal Server Error”. So what is this error, why does it happen, and how can we resolve it? This blog below will help you get the answer.
Below shows you an example of Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (Internal Server Error) in Bind function error when a user tries to send a call through Ajax.
function onLoad(e) {
var grid = $(this).data("tGrid");
//bind to the context menu of the Grid's header
$(this).find(".t-grid-header").bind('contextmenu', function (e) {
//wait for the menu to be generated
setTimeout(function () {
// bind to the checkboxes change event. The context menu has ID in the format "GridName" + "_contextmenu"
$('#globalsearchgrid_contextMenu :checkbox').change(function () {
var $checkbox = $(this);
// the checked state will determine if the column has been shown or hidden
var checked = $(this).is(":checked");
// get the index and the corresponding column from the Grid's column collection
var columnIndex = $(this).data("field");
var request = "{'columnIndex':'" + columnIndex + "'value':'" + checked + "'}";
type: "POST",
url: "../../GlobalSearch/SaveColumnInfo",
data: request,
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
dataType: "json",
success: function (msg) { },
error: function (xhr, status, error) {
Controller method
public JsonResult SaveColumnInfo(string columnIndex, string value)
CookieHelper helper=new CookieHelper();
helper.UpdateCookie(int.Parse(columnIndex), value.ToString());
return Json("Success");
Error message in Chrome
POST http://localhost:3577/GlobalSearch/SaveColumnInfo 500 (Internal Server Error)
(anonymous function)
1. What is the 500 Internal Server Error?
Let’s just figure out what 500 Internal Server Error is. When you visit a certain website, if the words “500 Internal Server Error” appear, it is simply because that website is having an error. Error 500 Internal Server Error is expressed in many different forms such as: “500 Internal Server Error”, “500 Error”, “HTTP Error 500“, “500. That’s an error”, “Temporary Error (500) )” or simply “500”. This difference depends on the settings of that website.
In short, the 500 Internal Server Error is a general error with a status code of HTTP 500. This error occurs when the server of the website you visit has an error and cannot provide or display any information or content. Instead of displaying the normal interface of the website, the server will send a 500 error page to the browser and display it on your screen.
2. What is the Causes of the 500 Internal Server Error?
Usually, when a website has an error, it will display problems related to that error, but this error is quite general, and the browser does not display this error. Basically, we can confirm that the cause of the 500 Internet Server Error error comes from the following problems:
- The .htaccess file is broken
- Due to Plugin conflict
- Due to PHP memory limit
- Error in web server software such as Apache, PHP…
- Due to too many people accessing at the same time, the server is overloaded.
3. Solutions to Fix the 500 Internal Server Error?
With the code snippet shown in the beginning, the user faces this error when working with Ajax. For those of you who have not known yet, AJAX stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. It is a set of web design techniques that make web applications work asynchronously – handling all requests to the server from the back end.
In Ajax, the 500 Internal Server Error usually arises when there is an error in the Controller. When you encounter this error, there are some suggestions for you:
- For more details, speak with the server developer. More information is not readily available.
- Verify your claims by using the call (values). Search for anything that you would believe could harm the server process. Although the process ought to continue and should give you a better piece of code, problems can still occur.
- It might be sporadic, such as if the server database is unavailable. It might be worthwhile to try again later.
This article has given you some suggestions to resolve the 500 Internal Server Error. You can explore our website to find out more IT knowledge!
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