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Python has grown in popularity over the years. Python is used to write a wide range of methodologies, from the frontend to the backend. It can be found all over the place.
Nonetheless, like us, many of you may continue to encounter numerous issues while using these apps. One of the most frequently asked Python questions, for example, is “How to Update Python Version on Mac“. So, how can this be resolved? We will discuss together to find better solutions.
Some approaches to update python version on Mac
This tutorial will go over various methods for updating Python on Mac. We’ll also go over how to install the most recent version of Python 3 or Python 2 on a Mac.
Although using Python’s official website is the simplest way to update or install the latest version of Python on Mac, we will have to check the site for future updates manually.
As a result, another method for updating Python to the latest version is to use a single command. And, with Homebrew, we can easily update Python on macOS.
Approach 1: Use The Homebrew
Homebrew is a free and open-source package manager for Linux and macOS. Through the terminal, it facilitates program installation and updating. If Homebrew is not already set up on your Mac, you can do so by accessing to here.
We can easily install Python on macOS once we have Homebrew by running the following command in the terminal.
brew install python3
We can also use the terminal to update the Python 3 version from 3.x to 3.y.
brew update && brew upgrade python
Once Python 3 is installed, we can use the following command to make it the default for running programs.
cp /usr/local/bin/python3 /usr/local/bin/python
The problem with the above method is that it will make it difficult to run legacy code in Python 2 in the future. We can use an alias that points to the Python version installed by Homebrew to run the Python scripts.
echo "alias python=/usr/local/bin/python3.7" >> ~/.bashrc
If we need to run a program in Python 2, we can do so by including the default macOS Python binary path /usr/bin/python/ at the beginning of the code file, as shown below.
print("hello world!")
We can also install Python 2 on macOS with the following command.
brew install python@2
Approach 2: Utilize Python installer to update Python version on Mac
Using the installer of Python to update Python version on Mac also is a great solution.
The first step is to check the installed version of Python on Mac before upgrading or installing Python using the Python installer. The below commands can be used to see which versions of Python 2 and Python 3 are installed on Mac.
python --version
python3 --version
The next step after verifying the version is to see if a new version has been made available on the official website. The Python installer can be downloaded and used to update or install the desired version.
By using the same two statements as above to check the Python version, we can determine whether or not the new version of Python has been successfully installed.
Approach 3: Use pyenv to install Python and update Python Version on Mac
Another way to update Python version on Mac is using pyenv. Although it’s simple, it is very useful and effective. To use this method, we only need to run the below command:
pyenv install 3.9.2
Note that we can use Python 3.9.2 in place of whatever the most recent version. When Python 4.0.0 is released, for instance, we also can execute this:
pyenv install 4.0.0
However, sometimes we have encountered with pyenv, but don’t worry. We only need to set up Apple’s Xcode again, the error will completele disappear.
If you’re still stuck on “How to Update Python Version on Mac“, the solutions listed above are the quickest.
People have a vibrant community where everyone is usually ready to help if you still need guidance or have frequent Python questions. Finally, we hope you’re having fun with all of the amazing code alternatives and appreciate your time spent reading.
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This post is very helpful and attractive. Let’s read it to expand your knowledge about Python version.
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