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Hi everyone! Today we will learn how to handle a new error. Did you get this error “ImportError: No module named matplotlib.pyplot” while working? This is a very basic error and easy to handle. Here are the ways to fix this error. Let’s find out together!
When does the error “ImportError: No module named matplotlib.pyplot” occur?
In the process you want to “import matplotlib.pyplot”, there will be many reasons for the above error to occur. Here is the display of the error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./my_plot_drawing.py", line 3, in <module>
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
ImportError: No module named matplotlib.pyplot
Handling this error is also very simple. You need to be more aware of the software versions you are using and adjust as necessary. Here are 6 solutions we offer you, watch carefully and choose the solution that you see fit.
How to solve the error “ImportError: No module named matplotlib.pyplot”
Solution 1: Put in “matplotlib”
The first workaround we would recommend is to put in “matplotlib”. Please check your program, if not, install it by running the following command:
pip install matplotlib
Solution 2: Run the following line
This handling will be related to the python version you are apply. If it’s python 2.x and also linux version, run the following line:
sudo apt-get install python-matplotlib
Solution 3: Apply the command below
Same as for the 2nd method, but if the version you have is Python 3.x, apply the command below:
sudo apt-get install python3-matplotlib
Solution 4: For user apply Anaconda3
Another workaround for user apply Anaconda3. This way is also very simple, please run the command below to handle the error:
conda install -c conda-forge matplotlib
Solution 5: Run this command line
For this way, your first step is to run this command line:
python3 -m pip install matplotlib
and continue to enter this line and your error is solved:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
Solution 6: Reinstall matplotlib
If all of the above methods you have applied but the error is still not resolved, try reinstalling matplotlib. Firstly, uninstall the version you are using using the command:
pip uninstall matplotlib
Next set up with the version you want, for example:
with python 3:
python3 -m pip install matplotlib
with python 2:
python2 -m pip install matplotlib
Solution 7: Follow the guide below
Excepting the solutions mentioned above, there is another solution for you to fix the error “ImportError: No module named matplotlib.pyplot”. Let’s follow the guide below:
You have two versions of Python installed on your computer: the default one that ships with Mac OS X and the one you set uo by using ports (this is the one that has matplotlib set up in its library, the one that comes with macosx doesn’t).
It is the default Python for Mac, and as it lacks Matplotlib, you should always start your script using the one that is installed by using ports.
If your script in Python runs successfully, let’s replace the #! with:
#!/usr/bin/env python
Alternately, you can enter the complete path to the Python interpreter’s library where the matplotlib package is installed.
After doing that, your error will completely disappear and your program will run well without any errors. So, what are you waiting without applying it to get you desired results?
The above article is a summary of ways for you to handle errors “ImportError: No module named matplotlib.pyplot”. Hope you will find the right way to solve the problem you are facing soon. If you have any problems or encountered an error that cannot be resolved, please contact us immediately. We will help you to find a solution quickly!
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