I got the error message below: the entity type applicationuser is not part of the model for the current context. I’m very confused because this error took me a lot of time to find a solution but it hasn’t worked. What ...
ITtutoria Latest Questions
Have anybody got this problem “sudo: effective uid is not 0, is sudo installed setuid root?”? If you have knowledge about this one, please help me. It’s really difficult for me, I have tried several ways but haven’t solved it yet. Please ...
I got the warning “oserror: [winerror 10038] an operation was attempted on something that is not a socket” with my method impacted by the original code (version 9.76.01) below: def run(self): try: buf = b"" while self.conn.isConnected(): data = self.conn.recvMsg() logger.debug("reader loop, ...
My class uses the NSLayoutManagerDelegate interface. But overriding the technique I require seems to be impossible. I act as described in the documentation: override func layoutManager(_ aLayoutManager: NSLayoutManager!, didCompleteLayoutForTextContainer aTextContainer: NSTextContainer!, atEnd flag: Bool) { } However, it appears the error: ...
When I attempt to build my project, I receive an error message: it is indirectly referenced from required.class files. I searched online for a workaround, but was unsuccessful. Anyone has suggestions about how to solve this issue? Thanks for your assistance ...
When operating Windows 10, an error like this occurs when starting Docker: hardware assisted virtualization and data execution protection must be enabled in the bios. Please help me solve this error. I really appreciate everyone’s feedback. Thanks.
Hi everyone. I really need your help to fix my error ‘error in rep(1, n) : invalid ‘times’ argument”. The detail is below: In this code, I repeat the number 1 four times using the rep() function.
While writing JavaScript code, I received the “ReferenceError: require is not defined”. What is the cause of the problem and how to solve it ...
Please tell me the way to fix this problem: Exception in thread “main” java.util.nosuchelementexception. Here is the details: import java.util.*; public class sample { public static void main(String[] args) { ArrayList<String> arrlist = new ArrayList<String>(); arrlist.add(new String("One")); Iterator itr = arrlist.iterator(); System.out.println(itr.next()); // Iterator ...
I am using Windows 10 and I get the Emulator: emulator: error: x86 emulation currently requires hardware acceleration!. The problem appears when I try to launch the AVD in Android Studio. It occurs momentarily after compilation the app with the ...