Here is the program I run: function out = CointPairs(PriceMat, Symbols) out=[]; NofStocks = size(PriceMat, 2); CointMatrix= zeros(NofStocks); [rows, cols] = find(CointMatrix); CointPairs = [rows, cols]; **cf= (CointPairs(:,1)-CointPairs(:,2))==0;** CointPairs(cf,:) ...
ITtutoria Latest Questions
How to fix “solve() throws this result Empty sym: 0-by-1 and fails to get the correct results”? Here is the code that I run: syms v1 v2 v3 eqns = [5*v1 -2*v2 -3*v3 == 24, ... ...
Hi everyone, I’m learning about matlab. While working, I try undefined. As a result, I get the message: Invalid file identifier. Use fopen to generate a valid file identifier. What can I do about the “invalid file identifier. ...
I am working on matlab, but I found the following warning message: Index in Position 1 exceeds array bounds (must not exceed 100). Is there any way to stabilize the issue “index in position 1 exceeds array bounds ...
I get the error: “operands to the || and && operators must be convertible to logical scalar values” when I try to run the program below: a = floor(rand(5,5).*255) a_thresh = floor(rand(5,5).*255) a(a < a_thresh.*0.4) = 0 a(a > a_thresh.*1.2) = ...
I have question related to matlab but using anaconda navigator is getting the error, I can’t find the source. What is the most efficient way to install imblearn in anaconda navigator?