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Hi everyone, I’m learning about programs. While working, I try to upload code to my Arduino. As a result, I get the message:
avrdude: ser_open(): can't open device "\\.\COM3": Access is denied
What can I do about the “avrdude: ser_open(): can’t open device “\\.\com3”: Access is denied” issue? Is there a better approach?
The cause: This error happens because when you are attempting to run USB script or the Arduino program, there is something else uses COM3. Solution: If you are using Linux, you only need to place current user in “dialout” group which all members are permitted to access ports. Let’s run as following:
Then log in and log out again to take effect.
Common error? Here’s the solution:
1 – Unplug Arduino
2 – Upload code without Arduino connected to the PC
3 – Reconnect Arduino
4 – Upload code for the Arduino
Best of luck!