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I am working with python and getting the error message:
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-108-ce962754d553> in <module>()
----> 2 axs[0, 0].boxplot([df1['x'], df2['x']])
3 plt.show();
TypeError: 'AxesSubplot' object is not subscriptable
Here is the detail of the code that I ran
fig, axs = plt.subplots()
axs[0, 0].boxplot([df1['x'], df2['x']])
I need an explanation for the problems I’ve encountered. How to fix axessubplot’ object is not subscriptable?
The cause:
Above command returns a figure that has only one subplot, but axs holds it with no indexing.
A 1D array with subplots is returned.
Returns a 2D array with subplots.
This is because the default setting for the kwarg, so the error happens.
You can suppress this problem by setting
in the.subplots()
command to force it return the result to be a 2-dimensional array, regardless of how many or arrange the subplots.