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Provide the major organic product for each of the following transformations.
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The cochlea is a bone that lies in the middle part of the ear. Although it is a bone but it isn’t an integral part of the system of skeletal structure but it is vital to hear. The cochlea resembles the shell of a snail: it is a hollow, curled tube. It’s used to detect the pressure of sound vibrations making it possible for human brains to understand the sound. The cochlea is crucial in the process of translating sound energy into electrical signals which are then sent into the brain.
Carbonyl compounds are easily subject to a nucleophilic reaction, which involves the breaking down of carbon-oxygen [katex]\left( {{\rm{C = O}}} \right)[/katex]
Below is the reaction of carbonyl compounds
Wittig reaction. This is used for organic synthesis to prepare alkenes using carbonyl compounds. After the reaction of carbonyl compounds with phosphorusylides, (2+2) is a cycloaddition reaction that forms a four-membered cyclic intermediary (oxophosphetane). This is followed by the formation phosphine dioxide to produce alkenes.
Below is the reaction scheme:
Formation of cyanohydrin: Carbonyl compounds in reaction with hydrogen cyanide [katex]\left( {{\rm{HCN}}} \right)[/katex]
Below is the reaction scheme:
Reaction of amine derivatives and carbonyl compounds
To make imine derivatives, the carbonyl compounds react with amines.
Below is the reaction scheme:
Carbonyl reduction: The reaction of carbonyl with Lithium aluminium hydroide [katex]\left( {{\rm{LiAl}}{{\rm{H}}_4}} \right)[/katex]
Below is the reaction scheme:
Protecting carbonyl compounds
The [katex]\left( {{\rm{HCN}}} \right)[/katex] mechanism that allows for the reaction between cyclohexanone and $math_1.
Below is the mechanism of reaction of cyclohexanone and ethylene glycol
Below is the mechanism of reaction of cyclohexanone and phosphorus ylides
Below is the mechanism of cyclohexanone’s reaction to pyrrolidine
Below is the product to react cyclohexanone and aniline
Below is the mechanism to reduce cyclohexanone
Below is the major organic product required for each transformation.