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I get the “could not determine jupyterlab build status without nodejs” issue when trying to install latest version of nodejs on my PC.
Here is the detail of the error I got the error message:
Could not determine jupyterlab build status without nodejs
Please give me some advice to solve this problem.
The cause: I think this error occurs because the “Current with the latest features” edition that you choose is not suitable.
Solution: To solve this error, you should choose the LTS (Long Term Support) version of Node.js.
Next, make sure the executable for the node is in the search path. Hold the Windows key while pressing Break on Windows. Select Environment Variables > System Variables from the Advanced System Settings menu. To edit, double click PATH. Once you’re done, click OK.
In a new command window, run:
In the output, you’re looking for something similar to this:
This morning, I encountered a similar problem and ended up here. It appears that the diagnostic message is harmless.
The way I solved it for Windows 10, Anaconda Python 3.7 configuration was to Download NodeJS from source. Instead of the “Current version with the most recent features”, choose the LTS (Long Term support) version.
Next, make sure the executable node is in your search path. Hold the Windows key down and press Break. Click on Advanced System Settings-> Environment Variables-> System Variables. Double-click PATH to edit. You can click OK until you are done.
This is what you want in your output.