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Hi everyone, I’m learning about R. While working, I try to run BRugsFit() in my working process. As a result, I get the message:
> output = BRugsFit("model.txt", data, inits, numChains = 2, seed=6, parametersToSave,nBurnin = 100,nIter = 1000, nThin = 5, coda = T,digits = 5)
* BlackBox
* string too long
- HostFiles.Init (pc=00003FB1, fp=BFFDE550)
- HostFiles.$ (pc=0000000A, fp=BFFDE560)
Error in file(con, "r") : cannot open the connection
In addition: Warning message:
In file(con, "r") :
cannot open file '/tmp/RtmpU7v9PZ/buffer.txt': No such file or directory
What can I do about the “error in file(con, “r”) : cannot open the connection” issue? Is there a better approach?
The cause:
You encounter this error because you are attempting to make a temporary directory but you cannot write the file in that directory ialthough you have converted permissions.
You can solve this error by altering the file’s extension. The code would only accept one extension, in spite of the fact that both of them were associated with the same file type. Sometimes all it asks is to restart the console or terminal, load the libraries once more time at startup. (Assumed that the GUI will work without saving or using a previous workspace).
It informs you that
is not available. Please indicate the complete path to the file.Set the
working directory first