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For the substituted cyclohexane compound given below, identify the groups that will sterically interact with the methyl group in a 1,3-diaxial fashion.
For the substituted cyclohexane compound given below, highlight the groups – by clicking on atoms – that will sterically interact with the methyl group in a 1,3-diaxial fashion.
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Cyclohexane rings have the internal bonding angle at 120°. However, for an SP3 atom, the bond angle must be at least 109 degrees. Because there is a strain on the angle, the cyclohexane rings try to let it go by making different forms.
Cyclohexane’s chair conformation is more stable. Two types of groups can be found at each carbon atom in the chair conformation. These are the axial and equatorial types.
Steric interaction occurs between the axial groups at different positions in chair conformation. This interaction is known as 1,3-diaxial interactions.
(1) Highlighted with blue colour are the groups that sterically interact in in 1,3 diaxial fashion.
(2) The axial position of the methyl group in the give structure is not possible.
[(2)] Ans:
The groups that sterically interact in in a 1,3-diaxial fashion get highlighted with blue color.
The blue colour is used to highlight the groups that interact with in a 1,3-diaxial fashion.