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Hi there! My project has a data table and I need to count it. Could someone tell me How to add sum of range in python?
Ideas for “How To Add Sum Of Range In Python”: Python’s sum of range function takes a list and returns the sum of all elements in that list. It’s a simple formula that calculates the total of any number.
To add sum of range in Python, follows steps below:
1. You can accept the number “n” as the user
Utilize the the input() function to accept an integer from the user.
2. Loop until the you have entered the number
Then, you can then run the for loop until the number you entered by using this function range() function. Every time we repeat the loop we’ll be able to receive the next number until the loop gets to the final amount, i.e.,
3. Calculate the total : Each time, continue adding the current value into the sum variable in order to determine the total. Use a formula sum = sum + current number.
4. Calculate the average: Finally, when the loop has ended you can calculate the average by using the calculation formula equal to sum + n. Here, the number n is the number that is entered by the user.
For example:
n = input("Enter Number to calculate sum")
n = int (n)
sum = 0
for num in range(0, n+1, 1):
sum = sum+num
print("SUM of first ", n, "numbers is: ", sum )
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