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Hello, everyone. I just get an error message about”gpg failed to sign the data” after I set up GPG and attempt to commit it. Below is the problem I have:
error: gpg failed to sign the data
fatal: failed to write commit object
If everyone has any methods to resolve this issue, please show me how to solve it. Thanks!
The cause:
The first reason is the expiry of your GPG.
Another one is not to set the secret key correctly.
With the 1st reason, of course, you must extend the date of using the GPG.
With the 2nd one, the message said
gpg: signing failed: No secret key
in below situation because the key which was set isn’t looking for.Then, you have to install the GPG key in Git again:
2. Copy the key.
3. Put your key in git for your user.
That is all and I hope it will help you. Good luck!!!