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Hi there! I want to learn about clearing cache in Npm and how to reinstall it, Please give me some suggestions! Thanks in advance.
Ideas for “Npm Clear Cache And Reinstall”: To fix the issue, you can follow these steps:
- Go to your terminal and run ‘npm cache’
- Wait for it to finish executing
- Run ‘npm start’
Here are steps to clear a cache in Npm and & reinstall:
- Firstly, to clean a cache from NPM, we have to execute the npm cache clean –force command from our terminal.
NPM clear cache --force
Note: clean – It erases entirety of your cache folder.
- Next, installing dependencies and you can also test the cache. Using this following command.
npm cache rm --force
npm cache verify
- Finally, you can use one of the following two command lines to reinstall
npm install -g npm-reinstall
# or
yarn global add npm-reinstall
Here is my solution
If anyone do not want to look for a perfect solution so you can also use following way