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I get an error
Please enter a commit message to explain why this merge is necessary,
especially if it merges an updated upstream into a topic branch.
when trying to pull from a remote repo, I am using Terminal on OS X . How to fix the please enter a commit message to explain why this merge is necessary error? Please give me some advice.
The cause: It’s the editor but not a Git error message because git uses your default editor.
Follow these following steps to solve this:
It’s actually not an error. This means that you need to enter a message to mark the merge.
My OS is
Ubuntu 14.04
. You can use the same OS as me by following these steps:Send us a message
Press the Enter key to enter the file name, such as Merge_feature01
To exit
If you go to.git, you’ll find the file “Merge_feature01”, which is the actual merge log.