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Predict the neutral organic product of the following reaction. Include hydrogen atoms in your structure. When drawing hydrogen atoms on a carbon atom, either include all hydrogen atoms or none on that carbon atom, or your structure may be marked incorrect. ......... ADVERTISEMENT ......... ..8..
The pi electrons from double bonds make alkenes nucleophilic. Alkenes can react with bromine to create a bromonium intermediate. Bromonium can undergo nucleophilic reaction to produce halohydrin.
Markovnikov’s Rule allows you to draw the neutral organic product necessary for the reaction of an alkene with methanol. This rule states that the negatively charged species, i.e. In this instance, methoxide Ion attacks more substituted carbon atoms.
Alkenes react with methanol when in presence of acid H2SO4 to create ethers in the form of products. The reaction between 3-methylbut-1,1-ene and HI takes place three stages. They are
The response is:
The neutral organic products are,