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Provide an IUPAC name for the compound below.
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(Specify (E) or (Z) stereochemistry, if relevant, for straight chain alkenes only. It is not neccessary to use italics in writing compound names. Pay attention to commas, dashes, and parentheses).
Provide an IUPAC name for the compound below.
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Provide an IUPAC name for the compound below.
(Specify (E) or (Z) stereochemistry, if relevant, for straight chain alkenes only. It is not necessary to use italics in writing compound names. Pay attention to commas, dashes, and parentheses).
♦ Relevant knowledge
IUPAC is the acronym in the name of International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry It is an international association of scientists that establish the common standards for the field of chemistry. IUPAC nomenclature is a well-established method to name chemical compounds.
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