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The pilot or flight attendant __ usually alert during the flight.
A – is
B – are
Please select the correct answer in the blank
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Correct answer : A – is
Answer and explanation: Although this question doesn’t have instructions, it is possible to assume it’s an “fill with blanks”.The sentence is lacking an adjective. Because of the location that follows “usually”, we can claim that the verb is lacking either the verb “be” or a modal verb. Main verbs will appear immediately after “usually”, not before. Because there isn’t a second clause in that sentence it is possible to remove modal verbs and select the”be “be” as the best choice. Modal verbs require a second verb to complete their meaning. However, the”be” verb “be”, in its turn, is able to function as a own.The subject is compoundand is which is joined with “or”. In this instance the verb is compatible with the portion of the subject the closest. Because “attendant” is singular, the verb is also singular. Thus, the proper sentence is: A pilot, or flight attendant, is typically awake when flying.