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Here is the program I run:
> head(output)
Id Title IsProhibited
1 10000074 Renault Logan, 2005 0
2 10000124 Ñêëàäñêîå ïîìåùåíèå, 345 ì<U+00B2> 0
3 10000175 Ñó-øåô 0
4 10000196 3-ê êâàðòèðà, 64 ì<U+00B2>, 3/5 ýò. 0
5 10000387 Samsung galaxy S4 mini GT-I9190 (÷¸ðíûé) 0
6 10000395 Êàðòèíà ""Êðûì. Ïîñåëîê Àðîìàò"" (õîëñò, ìàñëî) 0
> write.table(output, 'output.csv', sep = ',', row.names = FALSE, append = T)
> class(output)
[1] "data.frame"
> class(output$Id)
[1] "integer"
> class(output$Title)
[1] "list"
> class(output$IsProhibited)
[1] "factor"
> output$Title[0:3]
[1] "Renault Logan, 2005"
[1] "Складское помещение, 345 м²"
[1] "Су-шеф"
Id Title IsProhibited
10000074 Renault Logan, 2005 0
10000124 СкладÑкое помещение, 345 м<U+00B2> 0
10000175 Су-шеф 0
10000196 3-к квартира, 64 м<U+00B2>, 3/5 ÑÑ‚. 0
10000387 Samsung galaxy S4 mini GT-I9190 (чёрный) 0
10000395 Картина "Крым. ПоÑелок Ðромат"" (холÑÑ‚ маÑло)" 0
10000594 КальÑн 25 Ñм 0
10000612 1-к квартира, 45 м<U+00B2>, 6/17 ÑÑ‚. 0
10000816 Гараж, 18 м<U+00B2> 0
10000831 Платье 0
10000930 Карбюраторы К-22И, К-22Г от газ 21 и газ 51 0
After I run, it returns an error:
Error in .External2(C_writetable, x, file, nrow(x), p, rnames, sep, eol, :
unimplemented type 'list' in 'EncodeElement'
In addition: Warning message:
In write.table(output, "output.csv", sep = ",", row.names = FALSE, :
appending column names to file
Does anyone have any suggestions for the problem below: unimplemented type ‘list’ in ‘encodeelement’ in the r. How to correct it?
The cause: When you provide a list to a function that needs a vector, this error unimplemented type ‘list’ in ‘encodeelement’ occurs.
You may do the following to obtain your
as a character vector:If you were interested in trying with the
method, you could “expand” every other row by the distinct values inoutput$Title
, as seen below:This is regardless of how many columns are available:
is your next step