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How can I update node using command line in windows? I will be thankful for your solutions.
If you wish to upgrade Node.js via the command line, use the n model inside the 1. Before you update to the latest Node.js release, make sure you know which version you’re using by: 2. The next step is to clear the cache of npm by typing: 3. Install n all over the globe: 4. After you’ve installed n then, you can utilize this module to download the newest stable version of Node.js: Alternately, you can install the Node.js release that includes the most current features: Install a specific version number by using: npm
command. The model
the feature lets users interact with various Node.js versions.node -v
npm cache clean -f
npm install -g n
sudo n stable
sudo n latest
n [version.number]
Maybe not the best solution, but it works.