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All the best for today. I’m a brand-new module student. I ran into the following problem yesterday when trying to set up the request module:”delete_failed_internal_error error while installing apks “.Here is the comprehensive software I used and the error I encountered:
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I need your help. Please!!
The cause:
When creating a new APK in Android Studio or installing an app created in Android Studio. Errors like “delete_failed_internal_error error while installing apks” and others are what the title refers to. This issue is often due to incompatibilities in the APK version while installing a new Android app.
The solution:
I will have a look at fixing this issue in 4 different methods.
1.Removing the APK that is installed on your device or emulator. The most popular fix for this problem is to remove the APK that is currently installed in your device or emulator and then reinstall it. This problem is typically brought on by a disagreement between the version code of the installed apk and the apk version we are trying to install in our android device or emulator. Because of this, we must uninstall the current apk and install the new one.
2.Updating the build.gradle file with the apk’s version name and code. The apk that is currently installed on our device or emulator needs to be removed first. After that, we will update the application’s apk version name and version code before reinstalling it. We must go to the build.gradle of our Android Studio project in order to update the version name and apk code. Update the version code and name in your Gradle file by going to the app > Gradle Scripts > build.gradle(:app) . The code is shown below for your viewing. To learn more in depth, comments are added to the code. Open the build.gradle file and go to the Android section.
After amending your version code, sync your project, compile your apk once more, and launch your program. This approach will resolve the problem.
3.In Android Studio, disable Instant run. In order for a fresh apk to be installed in our emulator or android device without any errors, we will use this way to disable the instant run in our android studio. The procedure to disable Instant Run in your Android Studio is detailed here. Navigate to the Files option in Android Studio’s top bar. Click on File > Settings in that menu. On the screen below, you can see this option. After clicking on the settings option you will get to view the below screen. Navigate to the Build, Execution, and Deployment option on this screen, and then select the Instant run option. We must uncheck the options that are displayed on the screen above inside of this one. To save these changes and move on, click Apply when all the options have been deselected. Then, click OK to continue.
4.Using shortcut keys, disable the Instant run option in Android Studio In order for a fresh apk to be installed in our emulator or android device without any errors, we will use shortcut keys in this approach to disable the instant run in our android studio. The procedure to disable Instant Run in your Android Studio is detailed here. How to disable the instant run functionality step by step: In the search box that appears after pressing the shortcut key Ctrl + Shift + A, type “instant run”; when you click that option, the screen shown below will appear. Hope with the above method you can with solve the issue you get. Good luck!!!