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GitHub Copilot is an artificial intelligence engine developed by GitHub and OpenAI to assist users of Visual Studio Code, Visual Studio, Neovim, and JetBrains integrated development environments by auto-completing code.
When you try to complete your task, you get this error: “command github.copilot.generate not found GitHub Copilot“.
This error is one of the most popular problems any programmer will make. So, why does it appear, and how can it be resolved? We’ll go over it with you.
What is “command github.copilot.generate not found GitHub Copilot”?
You are testing GitHub Copilot, but you are getting the following error.
command 'github.copilot.generate' not found
The Most Effective Method For You
This occurs when you do not successfully authenticate Copilot with Visual Studio Code.
If you missed an authentication flow, you could re-trigger it by clicking the VSCode Notifications icon in the status bar and selecting the Sign in to Github notification.
Reinstalling Copilot may help if you have lost the authentication flow notification from the notifications panel. To make signing in easier, make sure you’re already authenticated on github.com in your default browser.
And, guess what, we just solved it using the method we mentioned below.
Solution 1
You only need to apply this to Copilot:
Firstly, Copilot should be uninstalled, then close all vscode instances.
Go to %USERPROFILE%/.vscode/extensions (on Windows)
or /.vscode/extensions (on Linux/Mac).
and elete all Copilot instances.
Then, Go to %USERPROFILE% /AppData/Roaming/Code/CachedExtensionVSIXs.
Delete all Copilot instances.
Begin and install Copilot.
You can now try out GitHub Copilot.
Solution 2
On the interface of Visual Studio Code Editor, click the bell button in the right corner of the screen and select “agree”. Thus the error has been fixed.
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GitHub Copilot is a next-generation AI-powered pair programmer that lets you code faster while avoiding common mistakes. As a programmer, I find this very interesting because it brings a new set of features compared to existing tools.
The solution mentioned above is the best option for those still confused with this error: “command github.copilot.generate not found GitHub Copilot”.
If you still need support or have other complex questions, we have one vibrant community where all members are always willing to give you a hand. Lastly, we wish you a more successful day with new solutions and new code.
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