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Today, like us, many of you may continue to encounter numerous issues while using these apps. One of the most common errors, for example, is the “ImportError: cannot import name ‘PY3’ from ‘torch._six’ in Python“.
So, how can this be resolved? We will work together to find the best solution.
When Does The Error “ImportError: cannot import name ‘PY3’ from ‘torch._six’ in Python” Occur?
When you are completing your task, you face an error like this.
ImportError: cannot import name 'PY3' from 'torch._six'
In another case, you are testing a ZED camera with the code on https://github.com/stereolabs/zed-pytorch. When you run the final command: python zed_object_detection.py –config-file configs/caffe2/e2e_mask_rcnn_R_50_C4_1x_caffe2.yaml –min-image-size 256.
And you get an error like this.
“/home/fypadmin/anaconda3/envs/pytorch1/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torchvision/datasets/lsun.py”, line 19, in from .utils import verify_str_arg, iterable_to_str File “/home/fypadmin/anaconda3/envs/pytorch1/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torchvision/datasets/utils.py”, line 11, in from torch._six import PY3 ImportError: cannot import name ‘PY3’ from ‘torch._six’ (/home/fypadmin/anaconda3/envs/pytorch1/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torch/_six.py)”
Some Main Methods For The Error “ImportError: cannot import name ‘PY3’ from ‘torch._six’ in Python”
Here is just the effective and simple methods to fix the problem “ImportError: cannot import name ‘PY3’ from ‘torch._six’ in Python”. Select the best one for your current case.
Tip 1: Upgrade the torch torchvision
You are experiencing this error because your ‘torchvision’ and ‘pytorch’ versions do not match. As a result, you must update your ‘torchvision’ and ‘pytorch’ versions to the latest versions.
This solution may be ideal for you.
pip install --upgrade torch torchvision
Tip 2: Install the PY3
In this way, you need to install the PY3 in your environment
pip install py3
We believe that these above solutions will be beneficial to all of you.
If you’re still stuck on the error “ImportError: cannot import name ‘PY3’ from ‘torch._six’ in Python“, the solutions listed above are the quickest.
People have a vibrant community where everyone is usually ready to help if you still need guidance or have other questions. Finally, we hope you’re having fun with the amazing code alternatives and appreciate your reading time.
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