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The error: “Could not resolve all files for configuration ‘:app:debugRuntimeClasspath’. Failed to transform react-native-reanimated-65-jsc.aar” is a common error that can show up in many ways. In this blog, we will go through some of the ways you can fix this issue. Read on.
How does the error “Could not resolve all files for configuration ‘:app:debugRuntimeClasspath’. Failed to transform react-native-reanimated-65-jsc.aar” display?
When attempting to install my software on your testing device, your stack track may show the following problem:
Could not resolve all files for configuration ':app:debugRuntimeClasspath'. Failed to transform react-native-reanimated-65-jsc.aar (project :react-native-reanimated) to match attributes {artifactType=android-aar-metadata}.
> Execution failed for JetifyTransform:
How to fix it?
The above error occurs mainly because your version is old and it is no longer supported for this function. Here are some solutions for you:
Approach 1: Delete react-native-reanimated
In my instance, the error was caused by react-native-reanimated, which I was don’t use, so I deleted react-native-reanimated and the problem was resolved.
Approach 2: Upgrade react-native-reanimated
If you’re utilizing react-native-reanimated, you need to upgrade to the most recent version, which also fixed the problem.
Solution 3: For using React Native 0.65
Another approach for you, run this command.
We hope you enjoyed our article about the error. With this knowledge, we know that you can fix your error: “Could not resolve all files for configuration ‘:app:debugRuntimeClasspath’. Failed to transform react-native-reanimated-65-jsc.aar” quickly by following these steps! If you still have any other questions about fixing this syntax error, please leave a comment below. Thank you for reading!
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