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Python is a language with a very bright appearance, clear structure, convenient for beginners, and easy to learn; widely used in the development of artificial intelligence. Python’s structure also allows users to write code with minimal keystrokes.
“How to make natural log in Python“, it’s one of the most common programming questions. So, what can we do? We’ll discuss it together to find the best solution.
The best methods to make natural log in Python
Now we’ll look at the following solutions. We believe that you will benefit from all of them.
Solution 1: Use the import
Natural log can be used in Python by using the import. The base of a number’s natural log is e, where e = 2.718. As an example, consider the following:
from numpy import log as ln
var = ln(2)
Solution 2: Use the log()
You can use a natural log by using the log(). The base of a number’s natural log is e, where e = 2.718. As an example, consider the following:
import numpy
var = numpy.log(2)
Solution 3:
The NumPy package [numpy.log() function]/api/numpy/python-numpy-log/ returns the natural log of the number passed in the parameters.
The base of a number’s natural log is e, where e = 2.718. The log() function is used in the following Python code example to compute the natural log of a number.
import numpy
x = numpy.log(10)
In the preceding code, we compute the natural log of 10 using the numpy.log() function. The code above works perfectly. However, it is not user-friendly. Logarithm with base 10 is denoted by log, and natural logarithm with base e is denoted by ln.
Solution 4: Do this way
Do this command for making natural log in Python
Input array : [1, 3, 5, 256]
Output array : [ 0. 1.09861229 1.60943791 5.54517744]
np.log(4**4) : 5.54517744448
np.log(2**8) : 5.54517744448
In short, keep reading if you’re still stumped by the question “How to make natural log in Python”. The above options are the most practical for all of us.
If you still require assistance or have problems, we have a large community where everyone is generally eager to assist. Last but not least, we wish all users a wonderful day full of new code solutions and appreciate your time spent reading.
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