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Advertising is not only the art of selling a product, it’s also the art of conveying a specific message to a specific group of people in hopes they become customers time and again. Advertising a product requires a lot of creativity and out-of-the-box thinking. However, ads aren’t always presented in the most politically correct way. These vintage advertisements might have been viewed as playful back then, but we have definitely progressed in our way of thinking since these good old days. Take a look at some of the most outrageous moments in advertising that would definitely be banned today.
......... ADVERTISEMENT .........
Year: 1950s
Here’s another example of an outrageous vintage advertisement. Use Jantzen fashion to catch him, and you better do it as fast as possible. Otherwise, you never know what will happen, and where he might end up without the Jantzen swim suit. Today, this for sure is not the way to sell a bathing suit.
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