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In this article, we will help you in fixing the error “Impish Release no longer has a Release file”. If you are facing this error and haven’t found the solution yet, then try the below-mentioned way. First of all, when does this error occur? Let’s learn about that.
How does the error “Impish Release no longer has a Release file” appear?
This error can happen when you run sudo apt update command, the error will look like this:
Reading package lists... Done
E: The repository 'http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu impish Release' no longer has a Release file.
N: Updating from such a repository can't be done securely, and is therefore disabled by default.
You can try the solution we give below to fix this error quite quickly and effectively.
To Solve the error “Impish Release no longer has a Release file” – What should we do?
Solution: Update to LTS Version
This error can be fixed simply by upgrading ubuntu to 22.04. Since this error is resolved according to ubuntu’s official statement ubuntu 21.10 which is due on 4th July 2022. Ubuntu 22.04 is a Long-Term Support update (LTS) with security fixes and application updates. That means you can use it for a long time without worrying about changes.
Next, We will go into detail about how to upgrade to ubuntu 22.04:
You can also use this to upgrade to ubuntu 22.04 from 20.04 or even 21.10. However, if you are on 18.04 you will need to upgrade to 20.04 first and then to 22.04.
First and foremost before upgrading or installing ubuntu 22.04 is to make sure that the backup home directory is anywhere just to be on the safer side. It’s always recommended that if something goes wrong while updating, you will be able to retrieve the data to back up your important documents, pictures, and videos.
Once it’s done, open the app drawer, search for a software updater, and install any updates that you see. When the updating has been done, restart your computer.
After that, once again open the software updater, this time the computer will notify the system is up to date. Click on the settings, the updates section will show up then set the ubuntu version as long-term support at the bottom of this section.
If you are coming from 20.04 LTS, this option is enabled by default. But if you are coming from 21.10, you have to change all versions to LTS and then finish the changes.
It will tell the ubuntu software manager about the LTS release being available by showing a notification. It still says the system is updated to date” and does not show any updates regarding ubuntu 22.04. This is expected when the stable release brings out then it will show the notification. Now you need to open the terminal and type this command:
$ sudo do-release-upgrade -d
In a few minutes, the computer will find the ubuntu 22.04 update. Now just wait because the process will take some time depending on the speed of your internet connection. After it’s done, press the letter y on your keyboard to restart the system.
Now you can see that the system is upgraded to ubuntu 22.04 without any issues.
Good luck in fixing the error “Impish Release no longer has a Release file” with the solution we gave above. Don’t hesitate to write down your opinion and let us know if it worked for you. Thank you for reading this article!
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